Every flood event is different; however, we can provide some information on what to expect. Please be reminded flood risk reduction measures placed by the City are only intended to keep 2nd St and access to the Government Bridge open during high river levels. Property owners are responsible for mitigating their property’s flood risk.
- If the National Weather Service is certain river levels will not exceed 18 FT, and precipitation is not in the forecast, the City will not place its temporary flood defense system. The river will be allowed to seek its own level through the low-lying storm drains in the area, and the road closed to traffic due to water over the road. This is a fiscally responsible action that allows for quick and appropriate cleanup.
- If the National Weather Service is confident river levels will exceed 18 FT but not exceed 20 FT, the City will be placing two back-to-back lengths of its temporary flood defense system and will close gates and set pumps in the area.
- If the National Weather Service is fairly confident river levels will exceed 20 FT and/or high river levels are expected for a long duration or multiple flood events, the City will be placing an “L” configuration of its temporary flood defense system.
Note removal of the River Dr medians supports additional flexibility in the placement of measures.