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E Locust St Resurfacing

E Locust St Resurfacing, Grand to Eastern
Posted on 10/04/2024
E Locust St Resurfacing, Grand to Eastern

Watch for transitioning travel lanes on E Locust between Grand and Eastern next week. The contractor is applying asphalt in the southern lanes on Friday and Monday and is expected to flip work to the northern lanes on October 8. Drivers should be cautious when asphalt is applied; driving over asphalt before it is sufficiently cooled results in a poor driving surface with ruts, bumps, or waves. Work in the northern/westbound lanes is estimated to continue through early November before transitioning again for finish work such as sidewalks, ADA curbs, manholes, and valve box-outs.

With sewer repairs behind us on E Locust between Grand and Eastern, work will move into the milling, curb, and pavement patching phase beginning Monday, September 23. With the transition, travel will be reduced to one lane in each direction in the northern lanes with no left turning from Locust.  As milling takes place and travel lanes transition, remember to reduce your speed when crossing milled to paved surfaces; there is an approximately 2-inch drop off to the milled surface. 

Watch for changing traffic control on the E Locust infrastructure and resurfacing project between Grand and Eastern beginning Tuesday, September 3. During this phase of construction, travel will be head-to-head in the southern lanes of E Locust between Esplanade and Carey, with a no left turn restriction. Southbound Bridge and north and southbound College will also be closed between E Locust and E Pleasant. Follow signed detour or seek an alternate route to avoid delays. Watch for updates on changing travel conditions as work progresses. 

View detour map at this link. 

Good news! The contractor was able to complete the work covered by the restricted turning at the intersection of E Locust and Eastern in one day! Restricted turning through the intersection has been removed. Watch for on-going lane reductions and traffic control changes for the duration of this project.


Heads up, folks! Sewer repairs as part of the E Locust resurfacing project will require restricted turning at the intersection of E Locust and Eastern beginning sometime during the week of July 29.  View map at this link.

Watch for changing traffic control throughout this initial phase of the project.

Resurfacing and infrastructure improvements are coming to E Locust St between Grand and Eastern beginning Monday, July 22. The overall resurfacing project will include targeted full-depth patching, sewer repairs, traffic signal upgrades, and ADA-compliant curb ramp/sidewalk installation.

Initially, the work zone will require transient lane reductions for sewer repairs and then transition to the closure of two lanes on one side of the street for milling and resurfacing. Once one side of the road is complete, work will flip for milling and resurfacing and then transition back to transient lane reductions.

One lane of travel in each direction on Locust will be maintained. To reduce traffic backups and improve safety in the work zone, left turns at non-signalized intersections or driveways will not be permitted.

Be alert when traveling through the area for changing traffic control and those in the work zone.

The project is estimated to be complete mid-to-late November, pending weather and subsurface conditions.