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Mayor Issues New Executive Order

Mayor Issues New Executive Order
Posted on 10/20/2020
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Oct.19, 2020 - On Monday, October 19, 2020, Mayor Matson signed an executive order in response to rising levels of COVID-19 cases in Scott County. The executive order includes the following directives:

•Masks are required to be worn in City facilities by the public
•Masks are required to be worn in City facilities by staff
•Any event described above that exceeds Federal, State, or Local government health guidelines related to COVID-19 outbreak shall not be held, or limited to the most restrictive guideline
•In person attendance by the general public at any City of Davenport public meeting within its facilities shall be limited to 10 person

 “Effective today, the City will be returning to previously utilized operating procedures, including hybrid council and board/commission meetings, having staff participate in those meetings virtually, limiting audience attendance and instituting limited access to City facilities,” said Mayor Mike Matson, “As leaders in the community, we take the increase in Scott County COVID-19 cases seriously, and are leading by example in our City facilities.”

The executive order shall remain in effect until November 30, 2020.

Click here to view the full executive order. 

Learn more about the City of Davenport COVID-19 response at