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Street Maintenance Program

We’re dedicated to continuous improvement of our city’s transportation network. Considering the complexity of pavement conditions and types, the City’s Street Repair, Rehabilitation and Maintenance programs vary. To help those who live in and visit Davenport, the City utilizes a strategic and thoughtful approach to city street improvements.

Sources such as Road Use Tax, Local Options Sales Tax and General Obligation Bonds help fund these projects. A portion of available funds is dedicated to year-round preventive maintenance activities to extend the life of paved surfaces; remaining available funds are used to repair and rehabilitate roads.

Preventive maintenance preserve the City’s street network and reduce future costly, time-consuming rehabilitation and reconstruction projects associated with traffic disruptions. It’s all about improving safety and mobility and reducing congestion for those traveling in Davenport. Preventive treatment depends on the age, volume of traffic, condition of the pavement and available funding.

Did you know, on average, the city fills 60,00 to 70,000 potholes each year to help smooth paved surfaces for the benefit of the traveling public and their vehicles? These repairs are prioritized based on severity, street classification and requests for service.

With 1,286 lane miles of streets in the city, citizens can help us improve our paved surfaces by turning potholes in for repair.  To turn a pothole in, all you need to do is call us at 563.326.7923 or submit a request for service electronically.

Street Sweeping

Picture of a street sweeperStreet sweeping is a component of the City's NPDES MS4 pollution prevention and good housekeeping program. Street sweepers operate daily throughout the City on a rotational basis unless there is accumulated snow fall.  City streets are swept an average of twenty-six times per year.

During the fall, sweepers operate more frequently in areas with dense tree canopy.  The sweepers get their biggest workout during the spring after snow melt and during the fall. On average street sweepers remove almost 5,000 cubic yards or almost 700 tons of debris from city streets each year.

Street Sweepers protect our water quality and wildlife by preventing oil, metals, and other harmful debris from entering our creeks and streams each year.

The City's Clean Water Fee pays for the street sweeping service.  

Non-Routine Sweeping Services

  • Citizens may request a section of street or stormdrain to be cleaned.
  • Sweeping is scheduled for special events on streets, both before and after the event.
  • Areas at the bottom of hills are swept after rain events to pick up the litter and debris that accumulates on top of the stormdrains because the accumulations can interfere with drainage and cause street flooding.
  • Sweeping is scheduled within 24 hours of street re-opening after repairs.

To place a non-routine request for service, call Public Works at 563.326.7923 or submit a request electronically.

Street Speed Limits

Picture of street speed limit signIn Iowa, several jurisdictions (e.g. the state, counties, and cities) have the authority to establish speed limits on roadways between 25 and 55 miles per hour (mph). The actual posted speed limit on a particular roadway, however, is typically established from the results of a traffic engineering study or survey. Find more information regarding posted speed limits on our Signs, Signals and Traffic webpage.

The city's Police Department enforces established speed limits and manages the city's red light and speed camera program.

It is Illegal to Push Snow, Grass, Leaves or other Debris to the Street

Pushing Snow, Raking Out Leaves, Blowing Grass Clippings, or Pushing other Debris to the Street is Illegal.

Leaves and grass clippings left in the street can be washed to nearby storm drains where they can contribute to both localized flooding and degradation of local water quality. 

Raking out leaves and blowing grass clippings into the street is considered a violation of the "Clean Water Act" and City Code, Chapter 8.14.400

While Public Works does provide street sweeping to remove natural accumulations of leaves from our streets, the service does not provide for the removal of grass clippings or placed masses of leaves raked to the street.  Clippings and placed masses of leaves can easily be distinguished from natural accumulations and can lead to fines ranging from $100 to $250.

The City offers several convenient alternatives to dispose of grass clippings, leaves and other yard wastes, including "No Sticker Yard Waste Weeks" in the spring and fall to encourage residents to properly dispose of yard wastes.

To report a rake-out or grass clippings in the street, call Public Works at 563.326.7923 or submit a request for service electronically.

Over-Width, Over-Height, and Over-Weight Vehicles

Over-width, over-height, and over-weight vehicles are required to notify Traffic Engineering of intended routes and dates of transport. 

Contact Traffic Engineering Monday through Friday, except Holidays, at 563.326.7923, or e-mail us at least one business day in advance of transport.



1200 E 46th St
Davenport, IA 52807